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Our Programs

Our programs focus on traditional cognitive, physical, and social/emotional developmental milestones but also provide opportunities for children to participate in a variety of creative, open-ended, exploratory activities that support growth in the areas of early math, science, language and writing. 


Flexible daily routine that focuses on building nurturing relationships, expanding communication, and creating opportunities for social interactions


Environment full of carefully selected, age-appropriate materials that promote continuous exploration and interaction with the environment

Caregivers understand the developmental stages of young children and support each child's individual needs


Atmosphere that advocates seeking out answers to questions, collaboration with others, and reflection on experiences

Project-based learning led by the desires of children allowing ample time for discovery, observation, and reflection

Teachers are patient and understand the need to communicate on each child's level



Integration of more advanced open-ended materials, projects, and provocations to introduce new concepts and expand knowledge of previous projects


Provides ample opportunities that support growth in the areas of early math, language, writing and science in preparation for kindergarten

Experienced teacher adapts academic lessons to each child's learning style

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